Great Weekend

The biggie this week has been the Great North Run. Love it or loath it, it has an undeniable buzz for runners, marshals and spectators. We had, as you’d expect, a big contingency of Strollers who produced some great running.

Aly was 8th lady overall in a time of 1:12:29. She was well supported the length of the course, repaying us with numerous soakings as she went! Ritchie Gerry was next Stroller home, 1:24:34, also in 8th position for the V50 category. Wendy Chapman was first non-elite Strollette in a new PB of 1:27:55. Gary Dunmore has to have a mention. Not only did he run in a most respectable time of 1:38:45, he knocked over 20 minutes off last year’s time. Well done to all of you who ran, jogged and tootled the 13.1 miles – hope you smiled!

John Cook also PBd in a half marathon, running the Vale of York in 1:18:58 on a very windy day. Reckon there’ll be more to come too. Great running John.

Lyne Valentine completed the Montane 13; you’ll never guess what? She won FV60 category. There is no stopping her, well done Lyne!

Stepping up the distance was Rachel Ball. Rachel ran the New Forest Multi Terrain Marathon in an impressive 3:42:28. Go girl!


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