I know that you will all be excited by the prospect of the Strollers Annual General Meeting at 7.30pm on 26 Feb 2025 at the Queen Vic Pub. Most of that excitement will, I’m sure, be all about that your first drink is free and there will be cake!! However, on a more serious point this is an essential part of the Club’s existence, it demonstrates the open and democratic ethos of the Club and ensures that we are adhering to the requirements of English Athletics. For the meeting to be effective it must be quorate, at least 25% of the membership must attend (around 80 members at the last count). If not then no decisions are binding and we’d have to repeat the process until such time as a quorum was achieved. That’s a really dull and boring prospect so please turn up on the 26th so that we get everything done first time!!!!
Please note that any requests for AGM agenda items should be submitted to the club secretary in writing by 3rd Feb.
Many of you may be thinking this is much earlier for the AGM, this follows the change in our financial year (for 2025 only) from 31 Mar to 31 Dec. It’ll be changing again to 30 Sep later this year. Doing this will mean that the annual accounts will not be distorted by the substantial sums involved in both the Pier to Pier and your annual subscriptions. Part of the meeting is the ratification of your Committee, these are the people who give up their time to keep this large and busy Club going. All positions are considered VACANT at the time of the AGM and any paid up member nominated and seconded can stand for any position. None of the roles are difficult, essentially they all involve giving something back to YOUR running club. The Committee meets 6 times a year, the majority of it’s business is conducted online. If you have any interest in becoming more involved in the Club please speak to either me or Jan (or any other member of the Committee) ASAP.
Harry Harrison Chairman – Sunderland Strollers Running Club Race Director – Pier to Pier Race 07906 599805 @strollers_run / @Pier2PierRace