Winter Handicap 2018/19

Welcome to the Sunderland Strollers Winter Handicap 2018/19, all the results and revised handicap times will be published here throughout the series. Races will take place on the 2nd Wednesday of each month.

The results are in for the final handicap of the 2018/19 season, some great running as ever. Congratulations to new boy Peter Myers for being first home, closely followed by fellow new recruit Ellen McIntosh. With an 18:01 Chris Dwyer was not only fastest on the night but fastest of the series. Rachel Dugan capped a tremendous series recording 23:50 this month, well done. I’ll work out the points in slower time, winners to be announced at the Presentation evening in June.

54 runners ventured out on another good night for running with little wind and not too cold. First home was newcomer Stephen Armstrong followed by a brilliant run from Michelle Donnelly who knocked a mere 2.5 minutes off her previous time, that warm weather training showing its benefits. Third home was Ron Avery. Fastest male was another newcomer Pouya Heidari finishing in 19:38 while once again Wendy Chapman led home the ladies. Full results here. I’ll sort out the points and reset times for the last and final race in 4 weeks time.

December results are here, fastest male prize went to that renown tarmac specialist Stuart Percival, Wendy Chapman was fastest lady. After 3 rounds, Daniel McFarlane has taken the lead in the mens competition with Neil Proctor in second and Graham Soady in third. Rachel Dugan is leading the ladies, closely followed by Nicola Hern and Julie Bodham. The strong winds in December have pushed back quite a few start times so, depending on conditions in January, we could see some significant changes, start times for January are here. See you all in the New Year.

For December we’re back to the 2nd Wednesday so we’ll be running the handicap on 12 Dec. Revised times are here, if yours is in RED BOLD your estimated time has been REDUCED. If it’s in BOLD then your time has been INCREASED. See you all on the night.

In November we had over 70 runners again although some chose not to register (and some forgot their chips!!). First home was Kerry Fairley followed by John Cosgrove and Jackie Soady. John Sayer registered a very impressive 19:06 but was beaten for fastest time by new member Scott Povey (18:40). Wendy Chapman once again led the ladies home with 19:53. Full results here.

Revised start times for November are here, if your time is in BOLD then it has been increased because you were slower than your predicted time in October. If you time is in RED BOLD then it has been reduced as you were quicker than your forecast time. PLEASE CHECK YOUR RUN TIME AND START AT THE CORRECT TIME, RUNNING AT THE WRONG TIME CREATES LOTS OF WORK AS THE RESULTS HAVE TO BE ADJUSTED

In October, first home of the 78 runners was Michael Parkin followed by Lisa Davidson & Graham Soady. Fastest male was Callum Thom with 18:13, fastest female was Wendy Chapman in 20:34. Full results here.