12 events found.
D + E Packs – Ettrick Grove
Ashbrooke Sports ClubEttrick-Grove-R1.pdf
Whole Club Session – Hendon Prom
Ashbrooke Sports ClubMeet at Ashbrooke club for a prompt 18:30 start(or meet at Hendon Prom for 18:45) The track is available for everybody but there is no set session. **A reminder that the first Wednesday of...
SIlksworth Track – No coached session
Track is available for any Strollers that want to use it, but there is no coached session tonight.
Strollers Post Session Meet-up
Bring a fresh tee and stay for a drink after club session Meet in the Ashbrooke bar.
D + E Packs – Track 8’s and 4’s
Silksworth Sports Complex Silksworth Lane, Sunderland, Sunderland, United KingdomC Pack – Silksworth Lakes
Ashbrooke Sports ClubA+B Packs – Saltgrass Loops
Ashbrooke Sports ClubSaltgrass Long Efforts R1
Strollers Post Session Meet-up
Ashbrooke Sports ClubBring a fresh tee and stay for a drink after club session Meet in the Ashbrooke bar.