Turkey Tastic!!
Stroller’s Turkey’s turn out in force to raise money for Charity.
Thanks to all the Stro
llers who turned out to support our annual fundraising push for St Benedict’s Hospice last night. The Turkey Flash Mob – this year enhanced by the awesome musical accompaniment of Stephen Riley – once again brought shoppers to a standstill while we damaged their ears with our singing and emptied their pockets into the donation tins. In less than 20 mins we generated over £250, along with sales of the suits this year we’ve easily broken the £500 barrier. With monies still to come I’m confident that we’ll be sending at least £1000 to the Hospice this year.

I am really grateful for your continued support thank you all so much and I hope all have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Catrina Flynn – Fundraising Manager – St Benedict’s Hospice
We’re in the Echo today and as I mentioned on Wednesday, from totting up the charity figures collected on Richard Wilson’s Facebook Charity page we’re over £20000 in 2015 for a wide range of local and national charities. Don’t forget that Tony Allen is still running throughout December, a marathon a day. His Virgin Giving page is here, please help him beat his target if you can.