Super Strollers

Our annual ‘do’ took place this week with a range of trophies presented to some super Strollers. Before the ceilidh band began, Chairman Phil started the proceedings – with the able assistance of Harry and Mal, with Paul sorting the technical stuff!

Jamie Collin was our champion this year, displaying some excellent running over a range of distances and varying terrain.

Gillian Ritchie was the ladies champ after finishing a very close second in 2015. Andy Duke took second place overall with Michael Henderson third. Pip McDonald was second lady and Bev Baird third.



This year saw the introduction of a trail championship which saw Terry Topping, aka FGT, take the title with Chris Dwyer and Dale Wilkinson second and third respectively.

Division titles were taken by Jamie Collin (1), Anthony Wilton (2), Terry Topping (3), Ron Avery (4) and Pip McDonald (5). Second places in the divisions went to Andy Duke, Dale Wilkinson, Rob Criag, Helen Rich and Bev Baird. Third in each division were Michael Henderson, Mark Ralph, John Corcoran, Michelle Donnelly and Sheila Hudson.

Our age group winners were Andrew Bell, Ritchie Gerry, Richard Wilson, Denis Hargraves, Joanne Anderson, Sue Tate and Lyne Valentine. You can guess which age category they fit into!

Bev Baird, against stiff competition, was awarded the trophy for the most improved runner this year. Although surprised and delighted, she was far from speechless!

The coveted Stroller’s Stroller award saw numerous nominations for a huge range of reasons. However, everyone was delighted to see our little Olympian carry this trophy away – well done Aly Dixon!

Video messages were displayed, sending messages from our overseas Strollers, Michael Rumi and Louise Noble. Jill Sardine sent us all lovely messages from London and Adnan joined in the video, supposedly from Pakistan. Adnan was given a special trophy for his ridiculously awesome achievements over the past couple of years but we left it too late to post. Cue the surprise of the evening when a wee hooded tinker walked in to collect it in person. Adnan!

Awards were over and the dancing began, stopping only for food. Another great night celebrating another great year for a brilliant club.


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