London Licked
The headline news this week has to be the super duper running by Aly Dixon at the London Marathon. Not only was Alyson the first Stroller home, she was the first Brit in the women’s race, shaving half a minute off her previous best time. Aly crossed the line, doing her now customary Borini, in 2:29:06 and with the biggest of smiles on her face. We are all proud and delighted to say she is a Sunderland girl and a Stroller.
Two other fast lads ran up the Mall to complete the marathon in sub three times. John Cook achieved a non too shabby time of 2:55:02 and was very closely followed by Andrew Forbes in 2:55:38. Good running lads and plenty more to come.
Rachel Ball was the first non-elite Strollette, 3:17:14, showing that perseverance and hard work pays off. Wendy Chapman also had an amazing first marathon, finishing only a few minutes later.
There were too many other fantabulous achievements to mention; PBs, first times and injury comebacks. A massive well done to each and every one of you who covered those 26.2 miles – we salute you all!

Sub 3 boys!
On the trails, and nearer home, Lyne Valentine was first FV60 in the Trail Outlaws Washington 10k – she’s unstoppable!

Strollers do Trail Outlaws.