Brass Monkey: Sub 90 Sextet!

Yesterday saw the usual mass Stroller turn out at the Brass Monkey. Already a PB course for many, the weather Gods optimised this even further, giving excellent running conditions.

Well done to everyone who ran, especially all who achieved a PB, but special kudos go to our sextet of guys who ran under that magic 90 minute mark.

Gary Dunmore’s training paid off and he achieved a well earned 1:29:13. In his own words, that monkey (Brass) is finally off his back. Ritchie Gerry was a little ahead in 1:28:35. Though not a PB, Ritchie made the top ten for his age category. Neil Proctor continued his current excellent form and completed in 1:26:08, great running. Luke McCormack shows that pushing a double running buggy is excellent training,whacking out 1:20:49 – 4 minutes less than the sleep deprived run he had last year.

Breaking the 80 minute mark, Andrew Forbes got his PB, finishing in a superb 1:18:20. And our first Stroller home, John Cook, broke the 75 minute barrier. John led the Strollers home in a pretty canny 1:14:57.

Massive congratulations to everyone that made this another super Stroller day out – big shout out to all runners, our driver and supporters.

PS: Massive well done to Rocker too, who snuck his way onto our featured photo; amazing run fella  🙂



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