All Club session 6 mins out, 5 mins back – Bonners Field Bank
All Club session 6 mins out 5 mins back Bonners Field Bank Warm up - From the BOL head towards the Colliery Tavern. Pass the Colliery Tavern, at the junction with Abs Street turn...
All Club session 6 mins out 5 mins back Bonners Field Bank Warm up - From the BOL head towards the Colliery Tavern. Pass the Colliery Tavern, at the junction with Abs Street turn...
Bunny Hill/Red House A Pack - 6min, 4 x 1min then REPEAT Recoveries: 2min, 3 x 1min, 2min between sets B C D and E packs - 2 min, 5 x 1min then...
4×400, 4×300, 4×200, 4×100 all @ 5k with same distance float recovery (marathon pace, no stopping or walking)
Roker Hill Efforts Plus Mile Pack E From Bus Stop undertake MILE EFFORT to Bungalow Cafe. Recover down bank towards Marina. Conduct 2 x Hill Efforts up bank to garage. Recover down riverside path...
4×400, 4×300, 4×200, 4×100 all @ 5k with same distance float recovery (marathon pace, no stopping or walking)
12.Saltgrass, Long Efforts All groups warm-up Run from BOL alongside the SOL to the Bob Stokoe Statue.Cross Millenium Way and run down Hay Street.Turn Left onto Easington Street,run under Metro line onto Bridge Street.Run...
Sunderland Strollers Annual General Meeting 2024 The 2024 Sunderland Strollers AGM will take place on 17 Apr at 7:30pm in the Function Suite of the Queen Vic Pub at Roker (SR6 0PQ). The session...
Queen Alexandra Bridge Wessington Way Pyramid Session, All groups warm-up Run from BOL alongside the SOL to the Bob Stokoe Statue.Cross Millenium Way and run down Hay Street.Turn Left onto Easington Street,run under...
4x800m/2x400m/4x800m@target 10k pace with 60 secs recovery