D and E Packs – Track

Meet at track for 18:30 warm-up 3 sets - 7200 Mts 1200 mts @ target 10k pace, 200 mts jog recovery, 400 mts @ target 5k pace. 3 Minutes recovery after each set

C, D and E Packs – Roker Park Loops

Roker Park  long loops. This is a continuous effort at whatever pace you can maintain over the distance of the route. The route From the BoL turn right towards Bob Stokoe statue, continue down...

A, B & C packs – Saltgrass Loops

12.Saltgrass, Long Efforts All groups warm-up  Run from BOL alongside the SOL to the Bob Stokoe Statue.Cross Millenium Way and run down Hay Street.Turn Left onto Easington Street,run under Metro line onto Bridge Street.Run...